Lacrosse Video

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My Club Team

In the race to recrute the best players in the counrty on their team, colleges have started looking past the high school teams and to club teams. The club team that I play for is Laxachusetts which is considered one of the best in the state and very good in the country. Because so many kids are picking up lacrosse these days the harder it is to get into the school you want to play lacrosse. To combat this Laxachusetts has many policies about what to wear to games and how to act. For instance, players are not alowed to wear flat brimmed hats to a game or tournament because it will tell scouts that you are a "lax-bro". This is bad because recruters feel that "lax-bros" are irrisponible, and may be good at the sport but arn't worth the trouble. we are not allowed to wear anything else that would suggest us to be a "lax-bro" like baggy pands or a piny. We are told to thank everyone in sight because you never know who is a scout. Laxaxhusetts has some of the best coaches in the country who are well equiped to coach the stars of tomarrow.

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Do you or anyone in your family play lacrossse?