Lacrosse Video

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The game used to be played with no pads and treated as a way to solve disputes but today people wear pads but may still think that it is a way to solve problems. N
Now adays there are elbow pads, rib pads, shoulder pads and helmets. the pads are necessary but kids and pros alike are trying to strip down. for instnace, there are arm gaurds atached on the shoulder pads that almost all defense take off because they are not getting slashed but rather doing the slashing. Offense takes them off because some of them say that since they have been slashed so much that they can't feel it anymore. Then the elbow pads that deffense wears are hardly there becuase like the shoulder pads they need lots of mobility to be able to try to take the ball away from the offense who wears a little biger elbow pads that the deffense but not by much for the same reasons as shulder pads. the gloves are the only thing that actually serve a purpose besides the helmot because fingers are frigile and when getting hit by an angry defensman, attack want to be protected. Plus, because of all the advancements in materials, the products that are made are extreamely light. There are many advancements from when the Native Americans played but equipment is just one.

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Do you or anyone in your family play lacrossse?